Saturday, December 24, 2016

Christmas Gifts

I can only show a little bit of what I have done for gifts. First was the Leduc guild Christmas party and gift exchange. We were to exchange some kind of bag. I wanted to use some fabric I had dyed this fabric,

And I want to use it. It was a little bigger then a fat quarter so my bag can not be too big. I made these square bags or totes. 

I had enough to make a mini square one too. I was happy how they turned out. I think the lady that got them liked them. 
Oh I forgot to take a photo of the great little bag I got in return. 

This pretty blue fabric is part of a Christmas gift. Not telling any more then that. I have taken photos of what I made so maybe next week I can show you. I have all my gifts finished but not wrapped yet. 

I did not get my tree skirt done. Maybe next year, or maybe aim for the guild quilt show in October then it will be done for next Christmas. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Dyed Again

The dying workshop in Oct got me to dig out the dyes again. I had not done any the past year. So some of this was done after the class and the T shirt was done in class. 

The T shirt was snow dye. Yes we had snow in the middle of Oct. I was wanting some pastel colours and I am pleased with what I got. It took me a few weeks to get the photo because it was in the wash. 

This one is pole wrapped. It had been done twice but still had so much white. I dyed it again so a 3rd time. Love how it is now. 

Pole wrapped twice dyed

This one was folded in half and then dyed on a rope. I wish the dark part was on the outer edges and more broken up. Might have to try again.

Pole wrapped dyed twice.

I used little rocks and veggie elastics to make the rings. I am not sure I like this one. I might over dye it again.  

Pole wrapped twice dyed

Pole wrapped twice or 3 times dyed. 

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Mystery Quilts

Well here is last year's Alletaire Mystery from Bonnie Hunter. I made a big change in the fabrics as I was not a fan of red and gold. I have been working on my blocks and rows for the past 3 weeks. This is how for I have gotten as of today. I plan to sew some more today and get the top closer to being finished. 

My Alletaire mystery is all batik or hand dyed but I do not have enough of any of the batiks or hand dyes to use as a boarder. I have 3 yds of this Kaffe print and all the colour are there. What do you think? I am unsure about the green inner boarder, Bonnie was using the gold. I used green in place of her gold, so if I follow along it should be green. I could go scrappy green or this hand dyed green. 

What about this periwinkle batik fabric as the inner boarder ?

So to keep sewing I am up stairs in the living room and have to use the sofa to lay out my rows. I have a few rows to iron and 2 ends to fix. then rows can start to go together. 

Next Friday in the release of step 1 to Bonnie's next Mystery En-Provence. I have picked out my fabrics. I am going to use just my Kaffe Fassett collection. I only had to buy a little more of the light fabrics. I had everything else in my stash. Not sure what that says about me and my stash? Maybe it is too big. Or Good for me for using only my stash. 

Thursday, November 17, 2016

More Hexagons

Some more blocks complete for my Glorious Hexagon quilt. 

# 13 Judy

# 11 Susan

I am not sure which one this is and I did not want to dig out the book just now. 

#9 Doris

#11 Susan

This was the fabric that was used for these blocks. I was able to get 6 repeats of it all stacked and ready to cut. I love what the 6 repeats can do. 

Monday, November 14, 2016

Dip and Dye

In the Shibori dying class I also had time to do some fold and dip and dye pieces. 
I would fold in some kind of accordion fold and then fold again into a triangle. 

Then each corner of side was dipped into dye. I think this pink and yellow one looks like pink pineapples, king of like Hawaiian applique.  

Sometimes I dip the side not just the corner in to the dye. 

I started with fabric that had been presoaked in soda ash solution 

I know the sides were dipped on this one, there is a line jointing it all up. 

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Hexagon Cubed

I have still been working on my Glorious Hexagons blocks. These are all hand pieced using English Paper Piecing and The New Hexagon book. The book has been a top seller and is written by Katja Marek who lives in Canada. 

I have used the 1 1/2" diamond shape for these cubes. I take some of my scraps from the Kaffe Fassett collection and just glue the diamond to the back and fold over the edge. I then have little bag of all diamonds and sort them into blocks. 

This block is #27 Victoria 

Going out on a date night tonight. We are heading out for Farm Fair and the Canadian Finals Rodeo. We are sitting with another quilter and her husband, so besides horses and dogs, we will talk quilts.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Shibori Dyed Fabric

After the 3 day class on dyeing cotton fabric, I also took the class on Shibori dyeing fabric, so 4th day. I was using cotton again but some people in the class were using wool for rug hooking. We had to bring our own dyes and all kinds of crazy bits to help with the shibouri. 

We I have done some of this before and I just love pole wrapping. When the teacher was not watching me I would wrap another piece of fabric on a pole and dye it. This was a 1/2 m dyed twice and folded like a fat quarter and then rolled. 

Blue water fabric, dyed twice

Darker blue water, dyed twice. 

This one has been dyed a few times (3 I think) and it was wrapped on a large nylon rope. The folds are smaller then the folds on the pole wrapped fabrics. 

Pole wrapped with shades of green. This has been dyed twice. 

These were also done twice and in the same dye bath both times, Yet they are a little different. Must have been how they were wrapped and the one on the right has more of the middle got some extra dye on it. 

I had to sometimes finish these at home at have the time to get the second dye bath done. So not all done in class time. All of these are fat quarter sized fabric. I just do not get dye to the inside of the fabric roll if I go bigger. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Shoe Box Block Exchange

At the Black Gold Quilt Patch Guild we have been doing a "shoe box exchange". It was to be a "suit case exchange" but a sweet little suit case was hard to come by. We changed it to a shoe box, easier to find a box. I got this box with the Color Play fabric in it. Then the pattern we were to make was all these triangles. The block is called Strength in Union and is a 5 unit grid. All the squares were cut to 3" and finished up to 2 1/2" square. 

Here are all the blocks so far together. I think I would like to win this set of blocks. I like how it is turning out. 

I liked the block enough to make another one. We have also restarted the "pizza box exchange" again. I wanted more blocks from my last pizza box, so I just did one more block and sent my pizza box around again. You can see the other blocks in my post called Pizza Box Wrap UP.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Tray Dyed Fabrics

Part of the dyeing class I took had us do a few pieces of fabric in a tray. I have done some of this before. First I did the green fabrics on top. I ripped my 60" fabric into 11" wide strips. Why 11" it was the size of my tray. I folded the fabric like a loose accordion fold.  I did these two pieces. The first time I did it there was more yellow and some white areas that I did not like. So I did it all over again, knowing I would get parts even deeper. Love them, But I am not sure how I will use them now. 

I also did this 1 m piece in a tray. I pre-soaked the fabric in the soda ash solution, so it was wet. I then laid it over the tray and pinched the middle and gave it a spin. I tried to get all the outer edges to spin in to the tray, I think I had to help some corners in to the tray. I then poured the dye over the fabric in a cross like pattern. Let it sit and got the spiral. 

Saturday, November 5, 2016

3rd Day of Dyeing Workshop

I have more photos of some of the fabric I dyed in the workshop. We did more dyeing like it was paint. Many of the fabrics are small pieces like 10 by 12 or so. I did some dye on dry fabric like the Gemma fabric, then some wet fabric like the one above Gemma, you can see the dye ran into each other so much more. 

I love this little sky with lightening. I let it dry on plastic so there are also bubbles. 

Lighter sky and no bubbles.

This is more like a fat quarter size of fabric. A good swishy fabric.

Swishy on a fat 1/4

Swishy on a fat 1/4 and not too much moving it around. I love pink and green together.