I am at retreat! Hoping the sun is out. Late this week it was looking like spring and I got to wear my spring jacket!
For retreat we were to made a Garlic Knot block. The blocks will be put together and then a name will be pulled from the hat and the winner will take all the blocks. I made my first one Yellow to go in the draw. I had my yellow scraps sitting out for the RSC 2018.
Well I made 10 blocks with yellow. I just wanted to keep going. These are so fun. The other blocks I will keep for myself.
I might not get the link done to Soscrappy this week but you can go see her site and more scrap ideas.
Well I made 40 more blocks. I guess I have started a new quilt. Ha Ha. Heading to retreat to finish some quilts and now I have another one to work on. I have a few scraps packed so I can make some even number of blocks and maybe get a top done.
Here are my blocks laid out a little differently.
I hope your Saturday is Sunny and Happy. I know I will enjoy retreat.