At the beginning of the year I wrote a bit about what UFOs I have and what I plan to get done. I also made a list of new projects I wanted to do. One rule I gave myself is no guilt for not getting something done. I have gotten lots of patchwork done so far this year and only a few finished so far.
Heart quilt got done in February. I started as part of the rainbow scrap challenge, red as January's colour. |
New Projects
- Plaid quilt for Son #2 - Just started
- Hawaii Quilt (because the fabric is fun) started - 11 blocks
- Bonnie Hunter's Mystery from 2010 RRCB - I love this quilt, might need one - Started the string blocks
- Pamela Allen Class Project - Class is in April signed up and paid - Two wall quilts started
- 2nd Scrap quilt (start with scraps from Bad to the Bone) - Top done needs backing and quilting squares with shadows - need to name this quilt. photo below
- maybe 3rd scrap quilt - I started some log cabin block in the rainbow scrap challenge
- 2 Fabric Christmas Trees - Not started
- Tin box exchange with the Leduc Quilt Guild - I got my 6 blocks done, waiting to draw for boxes
- Brightly coloured Fabric book - Not started
- Maybe another Mystery From Guild or Bonnie Hunter if she does another one next Nov.- Lady Bug fabric quilt needs one more boarder. Leduc mystery day in April.
- A felted project or two - I did some wet felting a hat and scarf
- Gift for Edmonton Guild Endowment Fund Raiser - not sure what yet - I got the beaded bracelet done. photo at bottom of page.
- Roll Roll Cotton Boll - I have started and not planned to.
Wow two things I plan to work on and not started. All others I have done some work on. I may need to add to the new projects list but not today. I am sure by fall I will have a few things I want to start again.
I have also done a quilt that is at the National Juried Show. I will show that quilt to you at the end of May.
Squares with shadows quilt top done in April. Again part of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge for April. |
UFO's to work on- I plan to work on some but not finish all. This is not a list of all my UFO's, Just some I plan to work on.
- Orca Bay Mystery from Bonnie Hunter - finish piecing top, quilt, backing, bind - Very little change
- Dog's Food Quilt - Binding only left - Done with dog on it now.
- Bad to the Bone - Quilt, bind - No change
- Log Cabin Plaid Quilt - backing fix the hole, quilt, bind - No change
- Star Struck in Lime - Backing, quilt, bind ( got top done on New Years Eve) - No change
- Spider Web Quilt - Piece blocks together, backing, quilt, bind - No change
- Rainbow Scrap Quilt - more Blocks, and much more, not sure how big to go. - More blocks done, more needed
- House wall quilt - finish top, quilt, bind- No change
- Flower prints 16 and 4 patch blocks - make a plan and build a top - No change - not even looks at the box
- Old UFO class project thing - dig it out, work on quilt top - rename this - No change now I am not sure what this is I am talking about.oops
- Green Chevron - more piecing - No change
- Whole Cloth quilt from Karen McTavish class - Thick batt with wash away, cutting away batt, quilt, bind - No change
- Susan Shie class wall quilt - quilt, bind ( there are two of these) - No change
- Felted fabric under water scene - what to do next ? - No change
- Felted scarf - more design work, and Where is it? - Done and then lost in two weeks time.
- Gift for Laural - appliqué block, Need to find it first.No change
- Leaves hand appliquéd on Snow Dyed fabric (Should get a photo and show you) - No change
- Baltimore Hand Appliqué - more blocks, start another block - No change
Bracelet for the Edmonton Guild |
Ok so looking at what I have done so far this year, I like to start quilt projects. I have done well to start and keep working on those new starts. I am not good to go back to the older projects. I should not have started RRCB of Bonnie Hunter's until I finished Orca Bay. But I love to build little quilt units into the block size. Not a big fan of sewing large rows together. Also I need to book my machine quilting in so I can finish some of my quilts. I quilt for others but forget to make time for my quilts.
Must keep the No Guilt and have Fun motto.